Each day is filled with a variety of  PLAY BASED activities that encourage creativity, imaginationlearning & fun.  This is a general routine for our day.  However, each day is different as the activities are ever-changing to meet the constantly changing needs and interests of the children.

7:30-8:30  Drop-off, free playtime
8:30  Breakfast
Free playtime
 10:00 Structured Activity time (circle time, art, music, dance, etc.)
​10:30  Morning Snack
10:50  Outdoor Play, Big Kart ride, BIG movement time
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Transition to nap (storytime, quiet games, walk)
1:00-3:00 Nap
3:30   Afternoon Snack
3:50  Free playtime
4:30 Pick-up

Structured Activities is time for structured 
activities - songs & games that encourage learning through play.  
These activities are based on the children's interests with intentional planning to address educational, social, emotional and physical development.  Fine motor, large motor, language, math, science will all be present through our play.

Outside Play is ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT parts of our day at Dinkazoo.  We will go outside EVERY DAY whether it is snowing, raining, hot or cold.  We have all the appropriate gear to make sure it is always safe to be outside.  Learning is more fun, effective, limitless when outside and outdoor play is VITALLY important in childhood.  We will go on daily walks or hop on our Big Kart (a 6-seat buggy) to find new parks, meet our neighbors and most importantly spend more time outside!

Field Trips We occasionally will venture out of Dinkazoo to 
go on a field trip to explore the kid friendly places in our area.  I have the 
Vehicle Child Safety Alarm required to transport children, submit an annual 
vehicle & driver record and follow all required licensing rules for 
transporting children.
As part of our COMMUNITY, service learning is also an important 
component in Dinkazoo.  Children need to practice EMPATHY, CARING, 
KINDNESS as early as possible.  We do this at Dinkazoo by shopping at our
 local grocery store to stock the food pantry, delivering May Day baskets to our 
neighbors, bringing thank yous to the Police and Fire Department, collecting winter 
gear for our shelter, visiting our Grandparent friends at Pine Haven - just to name a few.

HomeZoo AdmissionPoliciesVisit The ZooDay At The Zoo
Zoo DirectorContact DinkazooZoo Meal TimeWe Love The Zoo